AWP001 Activastic Fitness: Chair Workout Program

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A wise man once said that if exercise were a pill, everyone would take it.

This is one of the most accurate statements regarding physical activity and working out. 

Some of you may be eager to work out, but your physical condition may not allow you to do so. No matter the cause of your limited mobility, don’t worry, because we’re introducing a 4-week chair exercise program for everyone with the same problem!

Exercise and physical activity are so well studied that there are no doubts about the benefits they may provide to everyone on Earth. Regular physical activity will strengthen your bones, tendons, and ligaments, increase your strength and flexibility, improve your cardiovascular health, and lower the risk of premature all-cause mortality. The benefits go even beyond the physical, as it’s a well-known fact that exercising releases “feel-good” hormones and helps with treating everything from anxiety to schizophrenia.

Our Chair Workout Program comes with a complete 4-week follow-along video workout program that you can do in the comfort of your chair. The program includes: strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility training.

This curated workout program is certified by an Issa Trainer, so you know you're getting a quality fitness experience.

With your purchase you will receive a download link that includes your full program, no shipping involved.


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