AWP002 Activastic Fitness: Beginner Gym Program

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Prix réduit€9,95 Prix normal€19,95


Starting a new fitness routine can be intimidating, especially if you're new to the gym. 

But with a structured and well-designed strength training program, you can build a strong foundation of muscle and strength that will serve you well in the long term. If you're a beginner looking to get started in the gym, a full-body, three-times-per-week program is one of the best options. This program revolves around compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, helping you build the perfect foundation for later, more advanced programs.

This 4-week program will include comprehensive exercise instructional videos and an easy to follow table to get you going on your muscle and strength-building journey!

This curated workout program is certified by an Issa Trainer, so you know you're getting a quality fitness experience.

With your purchase you will receive a download link that includes your full program, no shipping involved.

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